
Five Ways to Recognize Make a Difference Day on October 22

Unique opportunities for you and your family to particcipate

By Kristin Fouts October 19, 2022

Make a Difference Day was created by “USA Weekend” magazine in 1992 to encourage volunteerism and community uplift across the country. It occurs each year on the fourth Saturday in October. Points of Light, a non-profit organization founded by former President George H. W. Bush, is the official co-sponsor of Make a Difference Day. Over these past thirty years, Make a Difference Day has inspired over 30 million volunteer hours.

Here are five easy ways you and your family can recognize Make a Difference Day:

  1. Volunteer in your community: There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer across Hendricks County, including at animal shelters, food pantries, parks departments, school districts, churches, domestic violence and family support centers, and more. Check out this extensive list of local nonprofits or use a website like for ways to serve across the U.S.
  2. Promote a cause you care about: Whether it's animals, health and wellness, social justice, culture, religion, civil rights, or any number of other topics, share a video or article about it on social media, write a letter to a legislator, or start a fundraiser in your neighborhood. If your kids have a particular passion, engage them in the same actions to help foster their development of empathy, communication, and self-authorship.
  3. Perform a random act of kindness: We often see this done through paying for someone's coffee or meal, but here are some different and unique ways to brighten someone else's day:
    • Let someone cut in front of you in line.
    • Put coins in an expired parking meter.
    • Stop to assist someone who looks lost or needs help carrying heavy bags.
    • Donate flowers to a nursing home.
    • Pick up litter in your neighborhood.
    • If you have a service person at your home (water, heating, cleaning, etc.) call their supervisor and compliment their work.
    • Take the time to write a great online review for a restaurant you love.
    • Bring treats to your local fire station.
    • Give an extra tip and write an encouraging note along with it.
  4. Donate to a local cause or charity: Donations do not have to be monetary, although financial support does help most nonprofits and charities satisfy specific needs most effectively and efficiently. Donations could also include physical goods like food, new or gently used toys, toiletries, building supplies, or other items related to the charity's mission. Request a receipt, if desired, for tax purposes. 
  5. Compliment someone: Giving someone-- even complete strangers-- a compliment not only makes them feel good, but it can boost your spirits, as well. I used to feel awkward giving compliments, but have tried to do it more and more, especially in front of my boys, to show how important kind words and recognition can be. Sure, start with what someone is wearing, or a dish they made that you loved. While your compliment should be honest and genuine, here are some other unique examples:
    • “I admire your determination when you strongly believe in something.”
    • “I appreciate your patience with _______________.”
    • “I learned how to be a good person by watching how you treat others.”
    • “I notice how hard you’re trying!”
    • "I love how generous you are being with your brother/sister today."
    • “I really admired how you handled that difficult situation. You were so poised and level-headed.”
    • “Your laugh is infectious. It made me instantly smile.”