
Get to Know Embracing Abilities, Inc.

A family-oriented service provider

By Kristin Fouts August 25, 2021

When Traci Gibson and her husband, Jonathan, recognized that they needed support for two of their children who have developmental disabilities, they sought out a local agency but did not find a perfect fit. Given her special education background, Traci embarked on starting an agency to provide better, family-oriented services in the area. She was licensed in October 2018, and Embracing Abilities, Inc. (EA) started supporting local families from Traci's home. Her clientele grew, so she expanded to a co-working space in Plainfield, and finally settled in Avon in May 2019  near Avon United Methodist Church.

Address: 6734 E. US Hwy 36, Avon
Website and Facebook page
Contact EA:, 317-825-8326

Today, EA provides services in multiple counties throughout the state. A "north" office was established in 2020 and as of August 2021, is located at 8202 Clearvista Parkway, Suite 4A, near 82nd Street and I-69. The "west" office, however, is the company's home base. Embracing Abilities offers several core outpatient services, including:

  • Respite services are specialized caregiving services for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. EA will hire a family's preferred caregiver and schedule directly with the family to provide care. EA also works with local colleges to hire students in relevant programs to give them experience as caregivers. 
  • Occupational therapy (OT) is offered without waivers, through Medicaid, Anthem, and United insurance providers. Music, recreational and behavioral therapy is provided through waivers, teaching consumers (those with special needs) important life skills. EA also works with schools to develop support plans for school-age consumers. 
  • EA's REACH programs and classes give consumers the ability to learn, share, create, explore and develop meaningful relationships. Starting in September 2021, individuals (12-16 years old) can register to take an adaptive cooking class to learn knife skills, how to measure ingredients, and basic cooking techniques. A game club is offered in both fall and spring, in which participants learn good and bad winning skills, how to take turns, etc. These are offered via private pay and through waivers; participants do not need to be a current EA consumer.
  • EA's summer day camp gives participants exciting adventures around the Indy metro area. Consumers get one-on-one support from their DSP, and break into small groups to explore venues including the Indianapolis zoo, splash pads, Connor Prairie and Natural Valley Ranch in Brownsburg. Transportation is provided. [A winter camp is also offered, but features 4-6 hour-long themed events/activities instead of day trips.]

Do you want to learn more about EA's programs and services?

Attend their Community Open House on October 2, 2021. Therapists and administrators will be on-site to answer questions, and attendees of all ages can play games, eat food, participate in raffles, tour the Avon facility, and get immediate assistance with completing waiver packets and other forms. 

Are you interested in supporting EA through volunteer time or financial donations? 

Support "Embracing Together," their 501(c)(3) board, which helps coordinate events, supports consumer families, and raises funds to help individuals participate in Summer Camp and other programs.  Join the board! The board currently consists of Traci and two other individuals; meetings are conducted virtually once a month.

Also, take special note of Operation Holiday, a fundraising event that provides complete Christmas experiences for several local families. Donations toward purchasing gifts and volunteer time to deliver them are greatly appreciated.

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