
Business Boss: Meet Cassi Magnus!

Protecting your home and the environment

By Kristin Fouts July 7, 2021

Questions and answers (and inspiration!) with Cassi Magnus, co-owner of Danville's Phoenix Pest and Wildlife Control

1. What is your name and where is your business?

Cassi Magnus. Phoenix Pest and Wildlife Control is locally owned and operated from 271 South Cross St. in Danville. 

2. What (or who) inspired you to start your business?

We were inspired after a bedbug job my husband Bryant worked with his previous company. The client did not have enough money to get treatments done, and Bryant vowed from that day to start his own so he could help anybody in need whenever he felt like it.

3. What do you love most about the work you do?

We love being able to educate people about bugs and wildlife, especially endangered and native species here in Indiana. 

4. What advice do you have for others wanting to start a business?

Go for it! Most of us who have started our own company did a lot of learning on the job, so don’t expect to know everything right away!

5. What do you do to take care of yourself, and how to make/find time to do it?

My favorite way is spending time with my family, and training our pets! That was a hard thing to learn-- as our business has grown we've had to identify a specific day that we can have that time together.

6. What can readers do to support you in the community?

In this day and age, Facebook and Google reviews are king! Our marketing is completely through word-of-mouth, and leaving a review for any company always helps their business grow. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

7. What is your favorite spot around Hendricks County?

Our top two food places are the Bread Basket Café (Danville) and Sal's (Brownsburg and Plainfield), and our favorite dessert places are Frostbite (Avon) and Danville Dips! 

**Do you know a woman business owner/leader in Hendricks County? Recommend them to be our next Business Boss!