
Business Boss: Meet McKenzie Crose!

The first spotlight in our new, recurring series

By Kristin Fouts May 26, 2021

Questions and answers (and inspiration!) with Business Boss McKenzie Crose at McKenzie Crose Agency- Farmer's Insurance!

1. What is your name and where is your business?

McKenzie Crose with McKenzie Crose Agency- Farmers Insurance,  709 East Main Street in Brownsburg

2. What (or who) inspired you to start your business?

My Dad has been in the industry for 16 years. I have seen the passion, drive and what it takes to be a small business owner since I was in high school. When I graduated college, I decided it was time to follow in his footsteps and start my own agency.

3. What do you love most about the work you do?

Each day is a new day and never really is the same. By being my own "boss," it has opened up so many opportunities I never would have thought I would have if I worked for someone else. I am very active within my community. I love giving back anyway my agency can. I love meeting and networking with new people. My clients and those who have been with me since day one. This is my passion and what keeps me going. 

4. What advice do you have for others wanting to start a business?

GRIT, may sound cliché,  but I think this is the best word to describe a small business. You have to put a lot of work in order to be successful. It doesn't happen over night, sometimes it can take even years to finally start seeing your success. You will have your ups and downs, it's how you handle both that can make you or break you. I would also recommend getting a mentor or someone who is a successful business owner in their industry. 

5. What do you do to take care of yourself, and how to make/find time to do it?

Working out is a huge for me. It helps with my stress and anxiety. I make this a priority during the week at least 3-4 times. Another thing I love to do is facials and getting my haircut, this is something where I can relax for a least an hour completely unplugged from everything and gives me time to unwind.  

6. What can readers do to support you in the community?

Give me a chance to earn your business, I am not your average insurance person. I am very detailed with what I have to offer and want to help you understand what you are getting. I am also very active throughout the community as it is one of more core values within my agency. I hope you would give me the opportunity to earn your business.

7. What is your favorite spot around Hendricks County?

It's hard to choose just one of my favorite spots around Hendricks County, but some of my personal favorites are Energy Spot Brownsburg, BruBurger, Thai District, Cabin Coffee and Opa