
New Moms: Make the Most of Consignment Sales!

Consignment and garage sales are great for newborn essentials

By Kristin Fouts May 5, 2021

Are you expecting or the mom of a newborn? Some new moms dream of a pristine nursery with all new gear, clothing, and furniture; some start shopping at garage sales for months before baby arrives, stocking up on the same but gently used; and others are inbetween, of course (like I was). 

Many moms, at some point, realize that buying (or accepting) second-hand and previously used items for young children not only saves money in the short-term, but is also helpful for stocking up Grandma/Grandpa's house, and donating items to shelters that might need them.

But, shopping massive consignment sales and yard sales can be daunting if you aren't sure what you should buy new versus gently used. Here are my recommendations:


  • Carseat(s): Unless you know the history of the one being offered to you second-hand, it's important that the straps be in good condition, that the latch system works with your vehicle, and that the restraint clips are clean and function perfectly.
  • Crib mattress: Like other mattresses, these can harbor germs and bugs if not properly cleaned and covered. 
  • Stuffed animals: Most "lovies" are spot-wash only, meaning germs, allergens and bugs can be trapped inside. 
  • Bottles and breast pumps: Like the carseats, unless you know who they're coming from and trust their ability to fully sterilize these items, germs and mold can lurk in little nipples and hoses. 
  • Nursery furniture: I've put this in both sections because every year there are recalls and safety warnings on various models, so it can be hard to track what's safest. If you do some research, even on second-hand items, it can put your mind at ease about the price.


  • Nursery decor
  • Nursery furniture (see note above)
  • Solid toys: Did you know many plastic toys can be washed in your dishwasher??
  • Baby bathtubs and accessories
  • Bibs
  • Clothes: Don't buy a lot of the birth size; they'll grow out of that fairly quickly. Stock up on items at several size ranges, considering what season baby might be in at the time.
  • Baby monitors and sound machines: See if you can test them before buying, though.
  • Swings: Test the movement, sounds (if applicable), and sturdiness before buying.
  • Stroller/travel systems: Just be sure they're compatible with your carseat. [I had a Graco travel system for bigger trips, but bought a great, used Baby Trend Snap n' Go for quick errands, busy places, etc.]
  • Baby carriers, slings, and nursing covers
  • Blankets, burp cloths (by the dozen)

In the end, always do what your gut tells you. As hikers say, "hike your own hike." Motherhood is hard enough and advice comes from everyone around you. Buy want you want to buy new... then, take good care of it and then sell it to another new mom in a few years!

Want more Macaroni Kid content specific for babies and toddlers? Check out our national edition, Babies & Tots!