
Easy Pudding Cup Turkeys

You kids will love this Thanksgiving-themed snack!

By Krista Hershey November 7, 2019

Try this quick and easy pudding cup turkey idea as a special snack that will make your kiddos smile! (It's tastier than the tried-and-true handprint turkey craft.) These are perfect for a lunchtime treat the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, or as a dessert option for the kids at your big Thanksgiving meal.

Re-purpose idea: Use paper from junk mail or old magazines to cut down on paper waste.

For 1 pudding cup turkey, you will need:

  • 1 pudding cup
  • pair of google eyes
  • a little colored paper: red, orange, colors for tail feathers
  • scissors
  • white glue or scotch tape


  1. Turn the pudding cup upside-down.
  2. Cut an orange triangle beak, a red gobbler-shaped gobbler, and about 6 strips of different colored paper 1/2-inch by 3-inches each.
  3. Glue or tape eyes, beak, gobbler, and tail feathers to create your pudding cup turkey snack.