
4 Ways to Survive the Back-to-School Transition

You've Got This!

By Krista Hershey August 15, 2019

I realized a couple years ago that when our kids are going through a rough time, I feel it with them. 

This year our three kids are starting three new schools. Each start to a school year comes with its own challenges. New teachers, new classroom activities, new rules, new communication methods, new friends, new expectations, and new routines are a whole lot for a student to get used to.

This week, I took my youngest to her first day of preschool. I know she is ready for the social interactions, formal learning, and a new and exciting environment. She was nervous and cried a little, but had an awesome first day. We both felt all the feels: excited and nervous and sad and proud... all at the same time. 

We were also both exhausted by the end of the day.

How are we supposed to survive the first few weeks of school and still be good parents?

  1. Take care of yourself. Plan some healthy meals and after-school snacks. Drink lots of water. Set and enforce an appropriate bed time for the kids and for yourself. You will be able to handle more mentally and emotionally throughout the day if your body is healthy.

  2. Stay positive (especially in front of your kids). My husband reminds me of this one a lot. Your kids are watching your reactions to stressful situations and will often mirror them when faced with their own challenges. Act the way you would want them to act. Plus, it will help you

  3. Remember, your family is in this together! Even if you only have one child attending school part-time--it's still a huge shift for the entire family. Make space for family time and to relax together. Give some extra hugs.

  4. Give it some time. Transitions take extra mental and emotional energy than a "normal" routine. You will get there! Just know it might not feel that way until September or October.

However this school year started out for you and your family, know you are not alone! Chances are, you are already good at being an awesome parent to your kids. Give yourself some grace and take a deep breath. You've got this, Mom and Dad!