
DIY Natural Egg Dyes

Color your eggs with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen!

By Krista Hershey April 17, 2019

The Internet may suggest a hundred different ways you can dye your Easter eggs: Kool-Aid, shaving cream, rice, easy-dye box mixes, food coloring, just to name a few. This year we decided to try natural dyes.

The directions I found from my egg dye research on various craft blogs suggested to boil the eggs in water with vinegar and whatever dye ingredients you would like to try.

Natural color ingredients:
Red:  Red onion skins
Orange:  Carrot tops
Green:  Spinach
Purple:  Grape juice
Pink:  Beets
Blue:  Red cabbage

This is what we did:

  • 8 cups of water
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar
  • as much of designated ingredient that I had on hand

  1. Prepare ingredients (cut vegetables, open can, etc.)
  2. Place in pot of water.
  3. Add vinegar.
  4. Gently add eggs.
  5. Boil 15 minutes.
  6. Let cool.

Not all the eggs turned out exactly the way I thought they would at first. The beets left a speckled effect. The spinach left some lines. But after cooling and setting for a few hours, the colors really set in great! And the red cabbage blue is my favorite.