
Nominate a Parent With a Purpose

By Meghan Stritar February 23, 2017

We know you are out there- parents making our communities better, stonger... with your selfless acts and giving back. We want to feature you in an upcoming article called Parent's With a Purpose.  Each month we will choose a paret to feature and he or she will also receive a necklace or keychain from

Seize the Night Designs

. If you haven't heard of this local store, it is in Downtown Danville. Sara, the store owner makes handmade jewelry and also caries stylish clothes and accessories.

You can nominate yourself to get word out about a cause near and dear to your heart, or nominate another local parent- we know you have someone in mind. 

Simply complete this form to nominate. If your parent is chosen we will let you know. If he or she is not selected for next month- don't worry they'll stay in our database for future chances!